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Daemon #4903

He/Him - (Day-min) - Nickname; Dae


origin trespasser . nature impatient
boundary dry rocky outcrop . size moderate

uncommon traits eyespots, false ears, 

spots, claws, dark mask

rare traits none

nature features hornfel, mexican prickly


morph rock


familiars Desert Reptile Community (Listed)

elementals Fire

Arid Totem.png
Dev Logo.png


Angry - Troubling - Unapproachable


Jumping Mouse



Transformed by Pickle (Archalyte)

Dev Logo.png
1. Original Form
6. Purpose
2. Losing Way
7. Threshold
3. Meeting Esk
8. Their Haunt
4. Transformation
9. Environment
5. The Other
10. Leaving

Daemon's Boundary . Dry Rocky Outcrop in the middle of the desert

Daemon Boundary 1.jpg
Daemon Boundary 2.jpg

Nature Features . Mexican Prickly Poppy, Hornfel

Daemon NF 1.jpg
Daemon NF 2.jpg

Familiar Community . Gila monster, collared lizard, chuckwalla, frilled lizard, 5 lined skink, night lizard, Madren alligator lizard

Daemon Fam 1.jpg
Daemon Fam 2.jpg
Daemon Fam 3.jpg
Daemon Fam 4.jpg
Daemon fam 5_edited.jpg
Daemon Fam 6.jpg
Daemon Fam 8.jpg
Daemon Fam 7.jpg

Elementals . Water

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