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Pyrius #4042

He/Him - (Peer-e-us) - Nickname; Pyr


origin abnormal . nature bad-tempered
boundary charred house remains . size short

uncommon traits chest, tail tip, bold, bright markings

rare traits none

nature features dragon's breath pepper

morph none

mutations oddity (glass body, hollow body), fragmentation,

original form fragments (candles)


elementals Fire

Developed Totem.png
Pyrius Sad.jfif


Bad-Tempered - Guilty

Pyrius is introverted and unfriendly towards other esk, Kaido being an exception. He is burdened with immense guilt, and when he isn't with Kaido he is often found in front of the charred remains of his home from his previous form. He constantly needs reassuring from Kaido that he won't be abandoned, and often tries to talk to other esk, but is fearful that he will scare them away. 

Glass Candle Holder + Candles

Previously, Pyrius was a glass candle holder with a built in candle that re-molded itself. He didn't have any thoughts or feelings, and wishes he could go back to that time. While his owner was reading by candlelight, she accidentally tipped him over and set fire to the house. Coming back to the remains of her home, she found the candlestick virtually unharmed and cursed at it, throwing it in the trash and breaking it in the process. 


When X found it, he felt for it. He transformed the candlestick into Pyrius, and left before the transformation was complete. The transformation was very spiritually painful for Pyrius, and once he awoke as a sapient creature, he was left confused and alone until Kaido found him. 

Dev Logo.png
1. Original Form
6. Purpose
2. Losing Way
7. Threshold
3. Meeting Esk
8. Their Haunt
4. Transformation
9. Environment
5. The Other
10. Leaving

Pyrius' Boundary . Charred Remains of the house he lived in previously

Pyrius Boundary 2_edited.jpg
Pyrius Boundary 1-.jfif

Nature Feature . Dragon's breath Pepper

Pyrius NF 1.JPG
Pyrius NF 2.jpg

Elementals; Fire (Turns blue when angry)

Pyrius Elem 2.png
Pyr Elem 1.jpg
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