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Winona #5006

She/Her - (Wi-noe-na) - Nickname; Winnie


origin traveler . nature perceptive
boundary desert valley. size scrawny

uncommon traits flecks, blaze, spurs

rare traits none

nature features fishook barrel cactus, 


morph none


accessories bone whistle (enchanted)

enchantment finds friends

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Wise - Guider - Understanding

Winona is a mentor and teacher following in Majanthi's footsteps. She takes a special interest in the troubled esk, and helps guide them to peace. She strives to transform any creature or object that she feels needs something new, and helps guide them through their troubles. She visits Majanthi often, and also works with Noodle very often. 

Food Scientist

Winona was an asian cheetah in her past form. She met Majanthi as a cub and curiously followed the creature that she'd never seen before. Majanthi saw a spark in her, and Winona proceeded to follow her studies and teachings in her original form. She lived a long life, teaching any creature she met about Majanthi and spreading her stories and legend. When she grew old and frail and came near to the end of her life, Majanthi transformed her so she could continue with her mission. Winona works with all esk, but when she first met Noodle seeking her guidance and wisdom, she realised that her true purpose was to help the troubled, and continued on with that, even transforming a few herself. 

Dev Logo.png
1. Original Form
6. Purpose
2. Losing Way
7. Threshold
3. Meeting Esk
8. Their Haunt
4. Transformation
9. Environment
5. The Other
10. Leaving

Winona's Boundary . A desert valley she lived in in her past form

Winnie Boundary 2.jpg
Winnie Boundary 1.jpg

Nature Feature . fishhook barrel cactus, candelilla

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Winnie NF 2.jpg

Accessories . Bone whistle (Enchanted)

Winnie Accessory 2.jpg
Winnie Accessory 1.jpg

Enchantment . Find friends ; Manifests as music notes coming out of bone whistle

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